最近,通过DeFi生态系统进行的收益率农业成为赚取多汁收益的好方法……如果您知道怎么做。现在,根据CoinGecko公司最近进行的一项调查, 据透露,至少有93%的受访农户报告的ROI为正,甚至超过500%。

该公司包括在 它的调查 25岁之间1,347人 8月4日 九月。他们中的大多数人都知道加密货币和收益农业,但是只有23%的受访者参加了上一次活动。同时,这些农户中的大多数(90%)都是30-59岁的男性,他们似乎并未完全意识到这一风险。

58%的农民已经投资了未经审核和高风险的协议,40%无法读取智能合约,而33%不知道永久损失是什么 流动性挖掘.  Just in case: basically, the impermanent loss means that your tokens can lose value while they’re locked inside a DeFi protocol, providing the liquidity needed to cultivate rewards. This loss might be temporal or permanent.

另一方面,52%的农民在耕作上的投入不到1000美元,尽管投入更多的农民注定会赚更多(或损失)。在任何情况下, 他们最终可能每天要在Ethereum上支付超过100美元的交易费,如果令牌在 那个区块链.



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正如CoinGecko所说, 根据他们的策略,农民可以赚取超过1,000%的年收益率(APY)。整个过程并非没有风险,但总的相反。此外,高昂的汽油费可能成为对这些协议的威胁,尽管它们似乎仍然存在。

“Our opinion is that the high yield pools are not sustainable, but yield farming products are here to stay. It is now apparent that the yield farming pools introduced by Uniswap recently on 17th September have solidified the yield farming frenzy. Indeed, it is no longer merely a frenzy but has now matured significantly.  However, until the high gas fee is solved, it is unlikely that retail users can enter farming without hurting their capital, and this is not taking into account other associated risks such as impermanent loss”.

值得一提的是Ethereum 2.0的第一阶段 将要被释放 在接下来的几周内。也许这应该成为DeFi协议的真正演变。

特色图片由Buffik /

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I'm a literature professional in the crypto world since 2016. It doesn't sound very compatible, but I've been learning and teaching about blockchain and cryptos for international portals since then. After hundreds of articles and diverse content about the topic, now you can find me here on Alfacash, working for more decentralization.
